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Jacek Z. Kubiak is the Research Director (Full Professor) at the French CNRS (Life Sciences Department) in Rennes, France. He works in the CNRS for almost 30 years. His research is devoted to molecular mechanisms of early embryo development, gonads development, cell cycle regulation, stem cells and the role of macrophages in the innate immune response. He is the author of over 180 highly cited scientific papers and the editor or co-editor of 6 books. He has graduated from the Warsaw University under supervision of Prof. A.K. Tarkowski, and worked at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA and Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, USA under supervision of Prof. Jerry Schatten. From 2016 to 2021 he directed the Department of Regenerative Medicine and Cell Biology at the WIHE institute in Warsaw, Poland combining stem cells and embryo research with medical applications. Starting from 2022 he works also in WIM-PIB in Warsaw, Poland in the Laboratory of Molecular Oncology and Innovative Therapies. He is conducting projects on the cell cycle regulation in tumour cells and gonads development.
Professor Nafis Rahman is from the University of Turku, Institute of Biomedicine/Physiology, Turku Finland. His research focuses on the gonadotropin and their receptors function in reproduction and in endocrine cancers, novel therapeutic approaches and their underlying molecular mechanisms for endocrine cancers and transgenic murine models for human diseases.
Professor Rahman has held the position of the Chair of the Scientific Program Committee.
Adrianna Zańko, MSc – graduated from the first and second degree studies in the field of Dietetics at the Medical University of Bialystok. Currently, she is a 3rd year doctoral student at the Doctoral School at the Faculty of Health Sciences of the MUB. Her doctoral thesis will aim to assess the relationship between lifestyle and the quality of men’s assessment in the context of diseases associated with insulin resistance. Adrianna Zańko is the author of scientific articles on topics related to dietetics and diet-related diseases.
My name is Oana Lupu and I come from Romania. My background includes a bachelor’s degree in biology and a master’s degree in applied genetics and biotechnology, both achieved at the University of Bucharest. I am currently employed as a Senior Technician at the Medical University of Białystok, Department of Reproduction and Gynecological Endocrinology.
My work involves studying reproductive diseases, with a focus on uterine leiomyomas. I chose to study this field because it allows me to explore the intricate molecular mechanisms that define us at nano level, the complex, signaling pathways that drive biological mechanisms forward and most importantly, finding ways to help people improve their health and quality of life.
Co-founder & co-CEO of MIM Fertility. A graduate from the University of Warsaw with a Ph.D. in Informatics and double master’s degree in Informatics and Mathematics. Assistant professor at the University of Warsaw. Experienced both in the theoretical and commercial aspects of machine learning. His principal focus is on delivering deep learning solutions in socially important areas, predominantly medicine.
Dr n. med. Jacek Doniec jest wybitnym specjalistą ginekologiem położnikiem oraz specjalistą w dziedzinie ginekologii onkologicznej. Posiada tytuł doktora nauk medycznych i jest znanym ekspertem w swojej dziedzinie.
Dr Jacek Doniec pełni również funkcję Zastępcy Komendanta CSK MON WIM, co świadczy o jego wysokim stopniu zaangażowania w obszar medycyny. Jest również Prezesem Polskiego Towarzystwa Histeroskopii, gdzie wnosi ogromne doświadczenie i wiedzę na temat histeroskopii i jej zastosowań w praktyce klinicznej.
Jako członek Polskiego Towarzystwa Medycyny Rozrodu i Embriologii (PTMRiE), European Society for Gynaecological Endoscopy (ESGE) oraz European Society of Gynaecological Oncology (ESGO), dr Jacek Doniec jest aktywny w wielu renomowanych stowarzyszeniach naukowych. Dzięki temu ma dostęp do najnowszych osiągnięć naukowych i innowacji w dziedzinie medycyny rozrodu i endoskopii ginekologicznej.
Dr Jacek Doniec posługuje się płynnie językami obcymi, w tym rosyjskim i angielskim, co umożliwia mu szeroką komunikację i współpracę z międzynarodowym środowiskiem medycznym.
Poza pracą zawodową, dr Jacek Doniec pasjonuje się archeologią. Jest to jego hobby, które pozwala mu odkrywać i zgłębiać tajemnice przeszłości.
Jest to tylko krótkie przedstawienie biografii dr Jacka Dońca, który jest cenionym lekarzem i naukowcem. Jego wiedza, doświadczenie i zaangażowanie w badania przynoszą znaczący wkład w rozwój medycyny i podnoszenie standardów opieki nad pacjentkami.
Specjalista w dziedzinie położnictwa i ginekologii
W trakcie specjalizacji z ginekologii onkologicznej
Zastępca Ordynatora w Klinicznym Oddziale Ginekologii i Położnictwa Szpitala Miejskiego im. Jana Pawła II w Rzeszowie
Członek Zarządu Głównego Polskiego Towarzystwa Ultrasonograficznego
Członek Zarządu Sekcji Senologii PTGiP
Prof. Grzegorz Polak graduated from Medical Academy in Lublin in 1997. Head of the Independent Laboratory of Minimally Invasive Gynecology and Gynecological Endocrinology, Medical University of Lublin. Specialist in obstetrics and gynecology, gynecological endocrinology and reproduction. Andrologist. Specializes in infertility treatment and gynecological endoscopy. Membership of the Polish Society of Gynecologists and Obstetricians, Polish Society of Reproductive Medicine, European Society of Reproductive Medicine and Embryology, the Polish Society of Andrology. His main scientific interests are related to the fields of reproductive medicine and endometriosis.
Białostoczanin. Absolwent Akademii Medycznej w Białymstoku. W 1988 roku obronił doktorat pt.: „Wpływ syntetycznych progestagenów na aktywność 5alfa-reduktazy testosteronu w hodowli komórkowej fibroblastów ze skóry płciowej”. Rok 1998 przyniósł habilitację na podstawie pracy “Wybór metody leczenia niepłodnych mężczyzn technikami wspomaganego rozrodu”. W 2005 r. z rąk Prezydenta RP otrzymał tytuł profesora.
W swojej pracy naukowej od początku skupia się na tematyce związanej z rozrodem człowieka. Jest autorem pionierskich prac na temat leczenia niepłodności metodą pozaustrojowego zapłodnienia (IVF-ET) oraz mikroiniekcji plemnika do cytoplazmy oocytów (ICSI), leczenia zaburzeń rozrodu u niepełnosprawnych oraz chorych na HIV, a także kriokonserwacji komórek rozrodczych człowieka. Wyniki tych badań były wielokrotnie nagradzane, przez ministra zdrowia i rektora AMB.
Prof. Kuczyński odbył liczne szkolenia w renomowanych ośrodkach w Europie, USA i w Polsce we Francji: w Zakładzie Biochemii Wydziału Lekarskiego Uniwersytetu w Caen pod kierunkiem Prof. Michaela Drozdowskiego (1989) i w Centre d’Etude et de Conservation du Sperme Humaine (CECOS-Nord) w Lille (1989) oraz w Klinice Rozrodczości Szpitala Jeana Rostanda w Sevres pod Paryżem (1996). Uczestniczył w szkoleniach dotyczących zaawansowanych technik wspomaganego rozrodu w Wiedniu, Gandawie, Brukseli, Filadelfii, Hamburgu, Lizbonie. Swoje umiejętności pogłębiał też w ośrodkach krajowych zajmujących się biologią rozrodu Zakładzie Genetyki Instytutu Matki i Dziecka w Warszawie.
W latach 2001-2008 prof. Kuczyński pełnił funkcję Przewodniczącego Sekcji Płodności i Niepłodności Polskiego Towarzystwa Ginekologicznego. Był przewodniczącym komisji ds. implementacji dyrektywy UE nr 2004/23/EC z dnia 3/08/2004, przewodniczącym komisji ds. nowelizacji ustawy o z dnia 1 lipca 2005 r. o pobieraniu, przechowywaniu i przeszczepianiu komórek, tkanek i narządów. Od 2006 r. pełnił funkcję Regulatora Krajowego w EACC (The European Assisted Conception Consortium) nadzorującym wdrożenie prawa europejskiego w krajach członkowskich Unii Europejskiej.
Profesor Włodzimierz Baranowski to wybitny lekarz specjalizujący się w dziedzinie położnictwa, ginekologii oraz ginekologii onkologicznej. Ukończył Wydział Lekarski Akademii Medycznej w Lublinie, gdzie zdobył solidne podstawy medyczne.
Obecnie pełni ważne funkcje w polskim systemie medycznym. Jest kierownikiem oddziału Ginekologii Operacyjnej I Katedry Kliniki Ginekologii i Położnictwa na Warszawskim Uniwersytecie Medycznym. Dodatkowo, jest również konsultantem Kliniki Ginekologii i Ginekologii Onkologicznej Wojskowego Instytutu Medycznego. Jego wiedza i doświadczenie w tych dziedzinach są nieocenione dla pacjentek oraz przyczyniają się do rozwoju medycyny.
Profesor Włodzimierz Baranowski jest autorem ponad 200 prac naukowych i doniesień zjazdowych, co potwierdza jego wkład w rozwój nauki medycznej. Jego prace zostały nagrodzone czterokrotnie przez Ministra Zdrowia za osiągnięcia naukowe. Ponadto, był przewodniczącym Sekcji Nauk Podstawowych oraz Sekcji Uroginekologii w Polskim Towarzystwie Ginekologicznym, co świadczy o jego aktywnym udziale w działalności naukowej.
Profesor Baranowski pełni również funkcję redaktora naczelnego czasopisma “Ginekologia po Dyplomie” oraz jest członkiem komitetu redakcyjnego wielu wydawnictw naukowych poświęconych medycynie. Jego zaangażowanie w edycję i publikację materiałów naukowych umożliwia szerzenie wiedzy i informacji wśród ginekologów i położników.
W swojej praktyce zawodowej profesor Włodzimierz Baranowski skupia się na onkologii ginekologicznej, endoskopii ginekologicznej, uroginekologii oraz endokrynologii ginekologicznej i zaburzeniach płodności. Działa również jako wiceprezes Polskiego Towarzystwa Histeroskopii, co dodatkowo podkreśla jego znaczący wkład w rozwój tej dziedziny.
Jest to tylko krótkie przedstawienie biografii profesora Włodzimierza Baranowskiego, który jest cenionym lekarzem i naukowcem. Jego praca i osiągnięcia są niezwykle ważne dla rozwoju medycyny, a jego zaangażowanie w badania, publikacje oraz udział w towarzystwach naukowych przyczyniają się do podniesienia standardów opieki zdrowotnej.
lek.; II° specjalizacji w zakresie położnictwa i ginekologii; specjalista endokrynologii ginekologicznej i rozrodczości, Senior Clinical Embryologist ESHRE
Przynależność do stowarzyszeń i towarzystw naukowych:
– Polskie Towarzystwo Ginekologiczne od 1990 r.
– ESHRE od 1995 r.
– ASRM od 2005 r.
– Członek założyciel Polskiego Towarzystwa Medycyny Rozrodu i Embriologii
– Prezes Zarządu PTMRiE III i IV kadencji.
– Certyfikat: “Indywidualizacja kontaktu w komunikacji z parą w trakcie diagnostyki i leczenia niepłodności” – Warszawa 2022 r., Polskie Towarzystwo Komunikacji Medycznej.
– Certyfikat: “Komunikacja z pacjentami w trakcie diagnostyki i leczenia niepłodności” – Warszawa, 2022 r., Polskie Towarzystwo Komunikacji Medycznej.
– Senior Clinical Embryologist, certyfikat ESHRE, 2008 r.
– Kurs “Polar body Biopsy course” 2008r., reproductive Biology Laboratory at the Department of Gynecology and Reproductive Medicine University of Bonn, Germany
– Szkolenie “Współpraca z pacjentem” 2006 r., Point Sp. z o.o.
– Basic genetics for ART practitioners 2006r. Brussels, Belgium
– IVM training program, 2005r. Copenhagen University Hospital, Herlev, The Fertility Clinic, Medicult a/s
– Workshop on Gamete and Embryo Cryopreservation, 1996, Bourn Hall Clinic, Cambridge, England
– ESHRE Workshop on Assisted Fertilization by ICSI, 1995, Academish Ziekenhuis Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
– Szkolenie w laboratorium IVF , 1992-1994, Gemeinschaftspraxis Katzorke, Propping, Willms, Essen, Germany
– Certyfikaty kongresów ESHRE (1996-2018)
– Certyfikaty kongresów ASRM (2008-2013)
– Certyfikaty Sympozjów Naukowych PTMRiE (2008-2018)
– Certyfikaty wielu innych krajowych i zagranicznych konferencji naukowych
Języki obce:
joga, jogging, jazda na rowerze, życie rodzinne, literatura medyczna i piękna
Prof. Dr. med. Marek Zygmunt
– obstetrics and surgical gynecology, gynecological endocrinology, and reproductive medicine
University Hospital Greifswald
– Department of gynecology and obstetrics
Studied human medicine in Aachen, Dortmund, London, and Giessen
Obtaining a license for medical practice
Defense of the dissertation
Obtaining specialization in gynecology and obstetrics
Habilitation and a teaching license
Received additional qualifications in the field of special obstetrics, perinatal medicine, special surgical gynecology, gynecological endocrinology, and reproductive medicine
Deputy Head of the Department of gynecology and obstetrics at the University Hospital Greifswald
2006 Director of the Department of gynecology and obstetrics at the University Hospital Greifswald
Awards, memberships, publications
Author of more than 5 publications
Specjalista endokrynologii ginekologicznej i rozrodczości
Kierownik Kliniki Rozrodczości i Endokrynologii Ginekologicznej Uniwersyteckiego Szpitala Klinicznego w Białymstoku. Autor wielu samorządowych programów wspierających procedurę in vitro.
Członek polskich i zagranicznych towarzystw naukowych, w tym Polskiego Towarzystwa Ginekologicznego, Polskiego Towarzystwa Endokrynologicznego, Towarzystwa Biologii Rozrodu, Europejskiego Towarzystwa Medycyny Rozrodu i Embriologii.
Sanna Janhunen is a highly accomplished and experienced professional with a strong background in pharmacy and pharmacology. Holding a PhD in Pharmacy, she is an Associate Professor and a skilled pharmacist and pharmacologist. Throughout her career, Sanna has gained extensive experience in the pharmaceutical industry, serving in various roles such as Pharmacology Lead, Principal Scientist, Team and Project Leader, Collaboration Coordinator, and Alliance Manager.
Sanna possesses a diverse range of professional skills, specializing in research and development, drug discovery, pharmacology, and Women’s Health. Her expertise also extends to areas such as intracrinology, neurology, psychiatry, disease mechanisms, project management, sourcing, negotiating, teaching, and lecturing.
With a passion for her work and a goal-oriented attitude, Sanna is known for her collaborative and open-minded approach. She actively seeks innovative solutions and is eager to learn new concepts and techniques. Her keen eye for detail allows her to analyze situations and see the bigger picture.
Sanna excels in working with diverse teams and individuals from various backgrounds and functions. She has the ability to influence people and foster collaborative relationships. Her strong experience in both public and private sectors, as well as her roles in driving positions within the pharmaceutical industry, have provided her with a solid foundation to explore new areas in medical care.
Some of Sanna’s key competencies include pharma research and development, drug discovery and development, team leadership, collaboration and alliance management, outsourcing and negotiating, lecturing and teaching, Women’s Health, Parkinson’s Disease, eating disorders, heart infarction, and heart failure.
Dr. Stratis Kolibianakis is a highly esteemed figure in the field of Obstetrics-Gynaecology and Assisted Reproduction. He currently holds the position of Professor at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH) and serves as a Scientific Fellow at both the FIVI Fertility & IVF Center and the European Interbalkan Medical Center.
With a remarkable career spanning numerous years, Dr. Kolibianakis has made significant contributions to the advancement of reproductive medicine. His expertise and research have greatly influenced the field, particularly in the areas of ovarian stimulation and in vitro fertilization (IVF).
As an accomplished professional, Dr. Kolibianakis has authored numerous scientific publications, sharing his insights and findings with the medical community. His work has had a profound impact on the understanding and treatment of infertility, enhancing the chances of successful pregnancies for countless individuals and couples.
Dr. Kolibianakis’ dedication to education and knowledge sharing is evident through his role as a professor and his active involvement in scientific conferences and workshops. He is highly regarded for his expertise in reproductive endocrinology and infertility management, as well as his contributions to clinical research.
Education: Professor in Gynecology Obstetrics since 1998, MD-PHD since 1998, Medical Doctor (Faculty of Medicine, Paris VI University, France, 1985)
Specialisation : General Surgery and Oncology, Gynecology and Obstetrics, (Faculty of Med., Paris VI Univ, France, Thesis in 1985)
Research Fellow:
1993-2001, member of the laboratory of molecular biology, Inserm U327 (Pr Feldmann), Paris VII University Denis Diderot, France.
Since 2001, member of the laboratory of stem cells, Inserm UMRS 938 (Pr Aractingi),
Paris VI, University Pierre et Marie Curie, France.
2012-2018: co-director of the Inserm UMRS 938, Then member of the team on Endometriosis and Gynecologic cancer since September 2018.
Current Position:
In 1998, Physician, Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University Hospital, Broussais-Hôtel-Dieu, Paris, France
Since 2001, Physician, Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Tenon Hospital, Sorbonne University, France
Since 2011, Physician, Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Tenon Hospital, Sorbonne University, APHP.6, Paris, France.
Clinical responsabilities and activities include:
Laparoscopic surgery: Endometriosis (colorectal endometriosis),
Benign gynecologic disorders (hysterectomy, genital prolapse)
Oncologic surgery : Breast and gynecologic cancers
Robotic Surgery: Gynecologic cancer and colo-rectal endometriosis
Retired Full Professor of Obstetrics & Gynecology – Medical School, University of Lisbon,
Portugal, and
Former Head, Dept. of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Director of Reproductive Medicine Unit –
University Hospital, Lisbon
Medical degree from the University of Lisbon (1975); specialist in Obstetrics and Gynaecology
(1986); member of the Human Reproduction Unit of the Department of Obstetrics,
Gynaecology and Reproductive Medicine of the University Hospital, Lisbon (since 1986).
Chief of the Unit (from 1997 on), Director of the Service of Gynaecology (starting on 2006) and
Head of the Department (starting on 2016).
PhD on “Pathogenic factors in the peritoneal fluid; Clinical implications”.
Assistant Professor of Ob/Gyn at the Medical School of the University of Lisbon from 1986 on;
Full Professor from 2016 to retirement.
Other activities: Past- President of the Board of the College of the subspecialty of Reproductive
Medicine (Portuguese Medical Association); Former member of the Ethics Committee (Lisbon
University Hospital) and Past-President of the Portuguese Society of Reproductive Medicine.
Since 2007, member of Portuguese Regulatory Authority for ART
Research interests were mainly endometriosis and ovarian response in ART, and ART registries.
Published more than 60 papers in international peer-reviewed journals and 8 chapters of
Member of ESHRE since 1988; member of the Executive Committee (2011 to 2015); Chair of
the EIM Consortium, and Coordinator of ESHRE’s European Affairs Committee (2015 to 2017).
Current Chair of ESHRE
Dr. Veiga obtained her PhD in Biological Sciences at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) in 1991. Since 2005, she is Director of the Stem Cell Bank and group leader in the research group of Pluripotent Stem Cell (hPSC) Therapy research group at Regenerative Medicine Program P-CMR[C] at Institut d’Investigació Biomèdica de Bellvitge (IDIBELL). Associate Professor of the Facultat de Ciències Experimental i de la Salut of the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)( 2002-). Director of the Probitas Foundation (2021-) . R & D+i Director of Servicio de Medicina de la Reproducción de Dexeus Mujer (2005-2021). President of the European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE) (2011- 2013) Founder and Coordinator of the Msc Master course on Reproductive Biology and ART, Servei de Medicina de la Reproducció, Institut Universitari Dexeus and Department de Biologia Cel·lular i Fisiologia de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) (1998-2021) Founder and President of Asociación para el Estudio de la Biología de la Reproducción (ASEBIR)(1993-2003). She has participated as coordinator and partner in the European human Pluripotent Stem Cell Registry, funded by the European Commission (2007-2010, 2013-2017). She is Involved in research projects related to the clinical application of cell therapy with pluripotent stem cells and in the first approved research project in human embryo genome editing in Spain. Interested in legislation and bioethics in hPSC research. Participation as an organizer and speaker at international scientific events related to clinical embryology, reproductive genetics, pluripotent stem cell research, cell therapy and bioethics. She has published more than 300 scientific articles in national and international journals and 65 book chapters. She has 9524 citations with an H index of 52. She has received numerous awards, including Creu de Sant Jordi Generalitat de Catalunya (2004), Narcis Monturiol Medal (2005), Premi Nacional de Cultura Científica Generalitat de Catalunya (2006) and the Gold Medal of the Parlament de Catalunya in 2013. Dr Veiga is currently an editorial member of numerous international and national scientific journals. She is an honorary member of several scientific societies, including the Società Italiana Embryology Reproduzzione e Riccerca (SIERR) and ASEBIR.
REVIEWER at: Human Reproduction, Human Reproduction Update, Fertility and Sterility, Reproductive Biomedicine Online, Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics, Stem Cells Translational Medicine, Zygote. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology. Molecular and Cellular Reproduction.
Professor Colin Duncan is a Principal Investigator in the MRC Centre for Reproductive Health at the University of Edinburgh. He has a longstanding interest in ovarian physiology, particularly the structure and function of the corpus luteum and early pregnancy problems. He utilises preclinical large animal models where he is examining ways to improve ovarian and metabolic function and assess the pregnancy effects of progesterone on the fetus. He is a subspecialist in Reproductive Medicine and Surgery at the Edinburgh Fertility and Reproductive Endocrine Centre with a special interest in ovulation induction.
Maria Cristina Magli, embryologist, coordinates the laboratories of the SISMeR clinics in Bologna Italy. Author or co-author of more than 150 scientific publications, she has always been especially active in ESHRE, where she co-ordinated the Special Interest Group in Embryology, was member of the Executive Committee and Chair of Special Interest Groups. She is currently the immediate-Past-Chair of ESHRE, and Chair of the ESHRE European Affairs committee.
Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Göteborg, Sweden
Dr. Kersti Lundin obtained her PhD in Zoophysiology at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden in 1991. She thereafter started as an embryologist and researcher at the Unit of Reproductive Medicine, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg, where she became Laboratory Director of Reproductive Medicine in 1997 and Associate Professor in 2004.
Dr Lundin has published a large number of articles and chapters in international and national scientific journals and books and presented at many international congresses. She is a lecturer on courses for medical and biology students as well as laboratory staff, midwifes and medical doctors in Sweden and Europe, and was involved in the start and running of both the Swedish and the Nordic IVF Laboratory Associations and the Swedish Society for Reproductive Medicine.
Her main subjects of interest are basic and clinical embryology, including embryo development and cryopreservation, always with a focus on quality management and improvement. She has been much involved in the regulations and guidelines for tissues and cells, both on an EU level and on a national level.
Dr. Lundin has been a member of the ESHRE executive committee, coordinator of the ESHRE Embryology certification committee, coordinator of the ESHRE Special Interest Group of Embryology and coordinator of the ESHRE European Affairs Committee. She was the chairman of ESHRE 2015-2017.
Prof. Juha Tapanainen is Professor of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Helsinki
University/Helsinki University Hospital. His clinical activities are focused on endocrinology,
infertility and andrology. His research interests in the clinic are polycystic ovary syndrome
(PCOS), insulin resistance, gonadotropin receptor mutations and infertility. In the basic
research the main topics are the regulation of ovarian and testicular endocrine function,
genetic causes of female infertility and gonadal models using embryonic stem cells. Prof.
Tapanainen is the former chairman of European Society of Human Reproduction and
Embryology, former president of the Finnish Gynecological Association and the Finnish
Endocrine Society, and shas erved as member of International Affairs Committee of
American Society for Reproductive Medicine, NFOG Executive Committee and Board of
EBCOG, and as assistant secretary and treasurer of IFFS.
He completed the Assisted Reproductive Technology certification program in American Hospital in 2006.
He achieved the Master’s Degree in Clinic Research in London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine where he conducted clinical studies from 2007 to 2010.
He has been a Visiting Professor in Gynecology, Obstetrics and Reproductive Sciences Department of Yale University in the U.S. since 2018.
He was given multiple awards by various institutions, including Society of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility, American Society of Reproductive Medicine, European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology and UNESCO-ICRO.
He took role in editorial boards of various international and local scientific journals, such as Human Reproduction, Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Canada and Gynecological Endoscopy.
He has been director of the scientific programs in national and international congresses in fields of reproductive medicine and in vitro fertilization.
2nd Chairman of Turkish Society of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility (TSRM), Board Member of European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE), Board Member of İstanbul Branch of Turkish Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics , Member of Directors Board of International Society for In Vitro Fertilization.
Principal areas of clinical interest:
Assisted Reproductive technologies,
Reproductive endocrinology.
Dr. Luca Gianaroli is specialist in Reproductive Medicine since the end of the Seventies. He is the Scientific Director of S.I.S.Me.R. (Italian Society for the Study of Reproductive Medicine) and he holds the position of Scientific Director of IIIRM SA in Lugano, Switzerland. He is also advisor of the Italian Istituto Superiore di Sanità for Medically Assisted Reproduction.
Dr. Gianaroli has always been an active member of several national and international scientific societies in which he has covered and currently covers roles of primary importance.
In 2009-2011, he served as Chairman of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE).
In 2014 he was appointed as Fellow ad eundem of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists.
In 2017, he was one of the founders of the Fondazione PMA.Italia (PMA.Italia Foundation), of which he is currently the Vice-President. From 2016 to 2021 he served as coordinator of the Steering Committee of the ESHRE ART Centre Certification Program.
At present, he is the Director of Global Educational Programs of the International Federation of Fertility Societies (IFFS).
Prof. Raoul Orvieto is a full professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology and incumbent of the Tarnesby-Tarnowski Chair for Family Planning and Fertility Regulation, at the Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University, Israel. Prof. Orvieto is the director of the Division of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility, at the Sheba (Tel-Hashomer) Medical Center, Israel.
Since 2022, Prof. Orvieto is the president of the Israel Fertility association (IFA).
Prof. Orvieto is Co-Editor-in-Chief of Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology. He has been author and co-author of more than 400 publications in national and international journals. His scientific interests include various aspects of controlled ovarian hyperstimulation (COH). The role of GnRH-analogues, and specifically GnRH agonist versus antagonist in COH for IVF, pre-implantation genetic testing (PGT), triggering final follicular maturation and several aspects of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS): pathophysiology, prediction, prevention and its relation to the inflammatory response.
Research Interests:
The corpus luteum (CL) plays a vital role in regulating the reproductive cycle, fertility, and in maintaining pregnancy. It is a transient endocrine gland that undergoes dynamic changes throughout its lifespan. Its formation, induced by LH, involves a complex process of cell differentiation and neovascularization. The new CL develops from the follicular cells remaining after oocyte expulsion; however, it is eventually composed of multiple, distinctive cell types including luteal steroidogenic cells (small and large cells that originate from theca and granulosa, respectively) and non-steroidogenic cells (luteal endothelial cells, pericytes, fibrocytes, and various immune cells. The CL produces progesterone to prepare the female reproductive tract to maintain a conceptus; however, in the absence of luteotrophic or antiluteolytic support, which occurs during maternal recognition of pregnancy by interferon-tau, the CL will regress due to prostaglandin F2a of uterine origin. Systemic concentrations of progesterone, during the cycle preceding and following insemination, affect the embryo survival rate. Therefore, abnormal CL function, also termed luteal insufficiency, has been implicated as a cause of pregnancy failures in farm animals. In addition, in women, a luteal phase defect is one of the reasons for implantation failure, which has been responsible for many cases of miscarriages and unsuccessful assisted reproduction.
The specific topics currently studied in my lab are:
Mechanisms controlling the demise or maintenance of the corpus luteum
Role of hypoxia in luteal formtion
Luteal functions of interferon Tau
Role of Sirtuin-1 in hypoxic regulation of luteal granulosa cells